Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Second thoughts. . .

I think I am having some second thoughts. . .well not really but still . . .

Today I dropped off the last of our paperwork for Z to start preschool in November. He is going to the French/American school and will start the Monday after he turns 2. Yes, I said 2. so in just about 4 1/2 months.

It is a great school and Charley and I have talked about and planned for him to go there since before he was born. We were so excited he was accepted, we took the application process seriously, not knowing how much competition he had.

Its going to be a great experiance for him, I really strongly believe in teh value of bilingual education and really want him to have that opportunity. I love the school, that is not the issue, and since they pro- rated the tuition since he won't start until November, its great.

So what are my second thoughts?

Is he really going to be ready in November?

The 2 year old classroom (PK0) is filled with all kids who are at least 2 by December 2010, they are allowed to start on their second birthdays. So there will be kids there who turned 2 in January.

I know there is going to be developmentally appropriate activities but Z doesn't sit still, or listen really good, or even play nice right now. The time we observed, all the kids were sitting nicely at tables doing crafts --something Z is really not capable of doing now.

I am sure between now and November some of that will change. I am also sure he will learn to behave better and I know that even if he stays were he is, he will have that same sorta structure at his current day care when he ages up to the 2 year old class.

I know this is the best option because if we waited until he was three, he would not have a year of language exposure like he will now.

I want to push him to exceed and fulfill all potential, I just don't want to push him to far though. He is still my little baby boy.

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