Wednesday, December 1, 2010

More Thoughts

December 1, 2010, part two

So I've thought a lot about my earlier post. I need to make changes; I need to be who I want to be, I need to find who that person is. I think the first thing I need to identify is what areas of my life I want to change, what I am doing that I want to change, where I want to be, and how I'm going to get there. I have a dear friend who has fallen on hard times as of late. I am always asking him where does he want to be, how is he going to get there. It's one thing to make a goal, it's another to set forth the steps necessary to meet it. And, before you make a goal, you need to know what you want to change.

So here, generally, are the areas of my life—sorta the compartments. I will add to these and narrow them down over the next bit. I will also analyze each and try to decide what I don't like, and what I do, and how I can fix it. These are not in any order, though honestly, I guess maybe they are.


    Relationships with my girls
    Relationship with my son
    Relationship with my husband
    Relationships with others


    Am I doing what I love?
    Am I doing the best I can?
    What paths lay in front of me
    How do I balance being the breadwinner, desire for career, and being a mommy and wife?


    Student Loans


    Things like cooking/food issues (complicated will explain later)
    Hubby wants to buy a house, I'm not as sure




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