Don't know if anyone saw on the news the shooting at the elementary school here in San Diego. Guy randomly goes into the playground of an elementary --an elementary --school and empties his gun into a crowd of little kids. A six and seven year old were shot, thankfully only grazed with the bullets.
You hear about school shootings in high school, kids who are bullied etc and that is scary enough. But what kind of evil or insanity could cause someone to shoot at a bunch of little children? A 6 and 7 year old?
I hate that my child will go to school behind locked gates and fences but on the other hand am so thankful that the schools take these precautions. I get emails from Z's new school talking about when what gate is open and after those short times, you have to go through the office. On one hand, that just seems annoying, if I am running late that makes me more late. But now, I not only get it, I am thankful for it.
Apparently at the school where the shooting occurred, a parent previously sent an email concerned about security due to an unlocked gate. It is just sad that we even have to consider that and look at our schools to see how some wacho could get in and harm our little ones.
So much for innocence in childhood, now while we teach our kids emergency procedures, earthquake drills, tornado drills, fire drills, we need to add shooting drills. Okay, Johnny, heres what you do if some starts shooting. . . . Very scary, very sad.
Okay, rant over.
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